Tarro Delivery simplifies getting meals to doorsteps, opening new revenue streams for your restaurant. Skip the hassle of managing drivers and the steep fees typical of DoorDash and Uber.
No drivers to hire or manage
Customers pay $10 less on avg. than with third-party delivery apps
Flexible delivery capacity at no extra cost
Take every order without overwhelming staff or adding labor expenses. Tarro Phone Ordering lets you tap into a team of real people powered by Al for fast, accurate phone orders and low-cost capacity.
We can answer unlimited phone lines simultaneously
No holidays – available 365 days per year
Zero setup costs, easy installation, pay only for processed orders
Attract new customers and drive repeat business with personalized and stress-free SMS marketing campaigns delivered by Tarro Marketing.
Free for one year (worth $8,500)
Send timely messages with data-driven precision
We’ll manage all campaign operations
* Begin with Tarro Phone Ordering — then add Delivery or SMS Marketing as you see fit!
Tarro’s unique blend of AI and human talent helps you conquer labor challenges, make more money, and cut costs.
We understand your language, your customers, and your needs, having spent a decade helping Chinese restaurants deepen their success.
Replace part-time help, with full-time phone order taking, delivery, and marketing. For our Clients, that's an average of 5-10% in savings.
With Tarro managing phone orders, delivery, and marketing, your staff can focus on what they do best—caring for the restaurant. Enjoy less stress, fewer distractions, and happier employees who are less likely to churn.
Add delicious delivery to your takeout destination and foster loyalty with timely, stress-free marketing campaigns. We've helped thousands of Chinese restaurants make more money, increasing orders by 13% on average.
Your customer calls.
After just one ring, the call automatically transfers to Tarro’s Voice Ordering Platform.
A professionally trained agent powered by AI greets your customers and takes their order. Customers can then choose pickup or delivery.
Tarro sends your restaurant the order info and receipt.
If your customer chooses delivery, we’ll send a driver to pick up the order and take it to their door.
具体定价将根据您餐馆的具体情况而定。详情请致电 1-888-218-5793 了解我们的定价方案。
餐馆送餐面临诸多挑战,如何满足送餐需求、管理送餐司机、以及降低送餐成本等等。 我们致力帮您解决这些难题。电话订餐和送餐一条龙服务,帮您轻松增长生意。
• 满足客人的送餐需求:电话代接和送餐一条龙服务,避免因错单漏单或客人投诉带来的生意损失。
• 无需招聘送餐司机:省去寻找、招聘、和管理送餐司机的烦恼,节省时间和成本。
• 更合适的送餐费用:不用再给DoorDash和UberEats等平台付昂贵的费用。
具体定价将根据您餐馆的具体情况而定。详情请致电 1-888-218-5793 了解我们的定价方案。
我们配送服务的最大优势在于为餐馆和客人节省大笔费用! 对于客人来说,通过电话代接与通过第三方平台(如Uber Eats、DoorDash)下单,价格有显著区别。许多客人认为这些平台的服务费太高,更倾向于直接通过电话订餐。这样他们可以节省10-20%的订单费用。